Marlowe Risk Advisory takes its name from the Elizabethan playwright, poet and rumoured spy Christopher Marlowe. A man of many parts, Kit Marlowe lived his life in the fast lane, unafraid to take risks, challenge orthodoxies or to explore the world. He was an expert in subterfuge, who well understood the importance of vigilance, guile, discretion, local knowledge and diplomacy when it came to operating in the politically tumultuous period that was the First Elizabethan Age.

At Marlowe Risk Advisory, our professional and fully licenced operatives look to utilise similar skill sets to the great playwright to ensure that our clients are well protected (and their residences secure) as they set out on adventures and explore the world, take risks and enjoy life to the fullest.

Whether you are travelling to London, Paris, Ibiza or beyond, on business or for pleasure, Marlowe Risk Advisory will keep you safe and your property secure to ensure that you are free to focus on your own itinerary and enjoyment without fear, worry or concern.


Jim M is a former lawyer and Royal Marines reservist (with operational experience) turned strategic advisor and risk consultant. A fully licensed and experienced close protection officer, he has an excellent working knowledge of Europe (and a wide range of useful contacts throughout the continent), in part gained during a four year plus stint working in the corporate intelligence sector.

Away from work, Jim likes to unwind by fly fishing in the summer months and skiing over the winter period. He is a keen reader and continues to harbour ambitions of one day writing a bestselling thriller.